Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Potty Power

My daughter is 3 years old, she turned 3 in July. She has never been too into potty training. She is signed up for preschool in September. However, she has yet to want to go on the potty and I am almost resigned to the fact that she may not be going to preschool this year. The day after her birthday we told her she was too big for diapers. So, we put her in underwear that morning. She held it until 2:00 that day! She did end up going pee in the potty that day, and we were all so excited and happy, she seemed to be too. We had to go to a bbq later that day so she had to wear a plastic thing over her underwear. This ended up in 2 accidents at the party. Par for the course I guesses. I expected accidents. The next day did not go very well at all. She put on her underwear in the morning but was crying and sobbing for a diaper/pullup by noon. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to hold my ground but I didn't want her to be totally traumatized by the potty and scared. I had her try a couple times but it was obvious she was holding it in, very uncomfortable, and was not going to go on the potty. I wanted to let her know she was in control so I let her have a pull up. She went pee immediately. (in the pull up) So, physically this kid can hold it for a long time. She has a fear of going in the potty and I don't know what to do from this point. I know she understands it, can do it, and just won't. Bribes do nothing. She has bought a bag of gummy bears she can have any times she goes but choses not to. She will ask for a pull up, and even put one on herself when she has to go. It is pretty amazing, how smart she is. My son was not this hard at all. He was fully trained (night also) by 33 months. She is almost 37 months and I'm at a loss. This kid is stubborn. I think she wants to be in total control of this and I don't know how to get her past this fear. I really want her to go to preschool, but it may not be in the cards for us this year. Oh the joys!! Don't let anyone tell you girls are easy to potty train!!

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