Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

As Christmas eve is upon us, I try to focus on the important things this holiday season. My 2 beautiful and healthy children. My husband who I stand with together through our journey in life. My home, food, clothes. My dog, who got hit by a car last week and lives to tell about it (she came out of it without an injury to speak of!). Makes me appreciate the little things. My kids being hyper this morning, talking non stop. Watching them separate their presents, examining them just like I did as a kid. The excitement of them placing their last advent sticker this morning. The fresh snow that gives us a white Christmas. This year, we almost didn't have one! Making a snowman with the kids, and having hot chocolate and cider. Making Christmas cookies and making our plate for santa tonight. All the things I love about my life are with me today. I celebrate the birth of Jesus, and my family. I couldn't be luckier in my life and even though I don't always feel that way, I am a fortunate person to have what I do have. I only wish that everyone in the world was as lucky as I am. Peace to all!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Jen! Glad to know you remember your blessings as those are what matter most! :)HAPPY NEW YEAR!!