Sunday, March 30, 2008

spring break come and gone

The kids head back to school this week. They are ready! J does not have school until Tuesday (every other day) but they are getting kind of bored around here. The weather warmed up just slightly today so they were outside although it is muddy and still snow/ice on the ground. J attempted the 2 wheeler and can go quite a few feet before tipping over. She will get it soon though. B played with some friends in the neighborhood and we all worked on cleaning sticks and leaves from the grass that was actually showing. I vacuumed out the car and truck and washed both car seats. I even took off the fabric covers and machine washed them. They are air drying now. Spring cleaning I guess! I also ordered new blinds today for the whole first floor and basement. So excited for those to come. They are faux wood, but will look so much better than the cheapo ones I have now (that came with the house that is almost 10 yr old!). I checked and re-checked my measurements pray they will fit just right. Should be here in a week or 2. I have been cleaning out all the rooms, and our closet is back in order. I have been bagging up stuff for a garage sale and it is so nice to get rid of stuff we don't use. I bagged up a ton of kids books after hanging onto them too long. The baby books and board books. My kids are not into those and I was holding onto them more for the memories than for them to actually use. I did, of course, keep the ones I truly love. And we will have quite a collection of books to use for the future grandchildren!

I have an exciting event tomorrow that I am not going to talk about just yet, but it could be a big thing for me and our family. I am so hoping it all goes well. I will write more about it when I know more. It isn't a pregnancy or anything, but something that affects our future.

Not much else is too exciting. I have school 2 nights this week as well as Saturday. Then I am getting so close to being done. I have a big test coming up and another big teaching project. I also have the HESI exit exam to see if I'm ready for the NCLEX. We are planning our pinning ceremony and I ordered my nursing pin. It is all so real, I will actually finish this program!

Kid are doing well, I will write a post about them later this week!

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