Tuesday, October 10, 2006

STILL 124.5 lb

At least it isn't going up I guess! I am lucky it is staying the same as I have not been eating the greatest. I went shopping last night so I'm prepared with good for me foods and so that will help. When I am busy and school is stressful I tend to eat whatever is there, and I don't have time to shop often. I ate pizza, arby's roast beef, and some candy last weekend. Not anything too horrible but not good if you want to lose weight! I guess I'm lucky I maintained. I had a very stressful weekend at school and I am so relieved it is over. I had my presentation Sat and my performance test Sun (I passed, yay!) I also went out Sat night and was up too late and therefore very tired the whole weekend. Still tired, and getting a sinus thing I think. My sinuses hurt and I am just very tired. I am going to lunch with B today but one option is chef salad so I'm getting that. I will be eating hot lunch alone since neither B nor J will eat the school lunch! It is hot lunch week so I figured at least I should support the hot lunch program! There should be lots of parents there today for the first grade. I checked B's mid quarter grades online today and wasn't too impressed. I think he is goofing around too much in gym and music. His main grades in reading and math were great, but in participation and cooperation in gym weren't too great. I think he is not paying attention or thinking it is play time. I will have to talk with him. I don't expect all perfect grades (that is just what I expect of myself!) but I do expect above average because I know he is smart enough and can do it. I can't be too hard on him because I know kids have to learn, but I still have to let him know that it is expected he try his hardest and respect teachers. His main teacher is very organized and they have behavior grades each day. He has had a "green" day every day so I know he is behaving for her. I think that system works well for him. Last year his teacher was way too lenient and the kids went wild! Anyway, I then have to volunteer Wed in his class and next week am going on the field trip on Tuesday. Thursday of this week is picture day so I have to figure out what he is going to wear. And his hair is very long right now but he likes it that way so I'll probably leave it. It is pretty cute on him. J is at her friend's house right now so I have to make her a lunch quick and bring her to the school with me. She is loving school still, and will go with the carpool moms no problem. However, I did have a new babysitter last week (a boy) and she freaked out. I am having to use babysitters more, so hopefully she will get used to it!

1 comment:

me said...

Why did J freak out? Was it b/c it was a boy or just someone new? I hope it worked out and she was ok by the time you got home!? Hope that talk with B goes well and that he's able to see that it's not playtime, but time to learn something new and interesting! So hard for the little ones!