Wednesday, February 01, 2006


[a is for age:]31

[b is for booze of choice:] perfect margarita at Applebees, lots of salt.

C is for career:]Stay at home mom and part time student, future nurse, used to be a chemical engineer

[d is for your dog’s name:]Roxy, pomeranian

[e is for essential items you use everyday:]My computer , deordorant, moisturizer

[f is for favorite song(s) at the moment:]Rascal Flatts

[g is for favorite games:]Guess Who (only play kids games really). Used to love 400

[i is for instruments you play:]piano

[j is for jam or jelly you like:]blackberry or strawbeer/rhubarb

[k is for kids:]Two. 1 boy and 1 girl.

[l is for last kiss:]couple hrs ago

[m is for most admired trait:]honesty and kindness

[n is for name of your crush:]Heath Ledger

[o is for overnight hospital stays:]Just when the kids were born.

[p is for phobias:]bad clausterphobia

[q is for quotes you like:] don't know any off the top of my head

[r is for biggest regret:]Not travelling more before I had kids and not getting the degree I really wanted in college

[s is for sweets of your choice:]Ice cream or chocolate of any kind!

[t is for time you wake up:] my daughter is my alarm clock, 7:30 am every morning.

[u is for underwear:]thongs when I go out, regular bikini when I'm home.

[v is for vegetables you love:] salad, red peppers

[w is for worst habit:]biting my nails, binge eating

[x is for x-rays you’ve had:]only dental I can think of

[y is for yummy food you make:] everything I make is yummy :)

[z is for zodiac sign:]Aries

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