Monday, December 17, 2007

last test

I have my final test tonight, and then I have a few weeks off. By 8pm I will be done with my 3rd semester of nursing school. Hard to believe. Next semester will bring many new challenges. I will have a preceptorship in cardiac ICU for 3 weeks. I will be doing rotations in pediatrics, L&D, postpartum/OB, and general med/surg. This will be my first semester working with kids, babies, and pregnany moms. It is kind of weird because this is why I went to nursing school. I still do not know what area I want to work in, but this next semester will be a good indicator if I do really want to work with kids, babies, or moms/pregnancy. I doubt I will start out in those areas #1 because they are specialty areas and hard for new grads to get into #2 I would like to get a broad base first before specializing #3 I have no idea what I want to do!! I have liked so many areas that it is really hard for me to chose where I really want to work!! It is going to be really hard to fill out applications with so many choices. I am leaning towards float, ER, or cardiac. All would give me great experience. And I may have to take what I can get, with hours that work for my family.
Anyway, I have to study. I really do. I am so excited to be done soon!

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