Christmas was a happy, wonderful, fun filled day. We started the festivities the eve before at my parents for a yummy steak dinner, kids playing, and present opening. We were home by 8:30 and opened our family presents under the glowing lights of our own tree. The kids were tucked into their cozy beds with thoughts of Santa visiting over the night. I then got busy bringing "santa" presents up to the tree, organizing them to look pretty. I also got the stockings stuffed and the letter written and left in the hall for the kids to see upon waking in the morning. We were woken up at 7am by J and made her come into bed with us after peaking downstairs and reading the letter. She patiently waited for B to wake up around 7:30. We then proceeded to go downstairs and wait for daddy to make it down. In the meantime I took some pics and video. The kids were so excited for their gifts and each had 5 to open that morning. Both are now busy playing with new toys. I had a nice turkey dinner on Xmas day for my parents and grandma. We played some games (new kids games) and had a nice time. We are all now looking forward to our trip to see my brother's family. We have a few new DVD's, CD's and games for the car. B got his Nintendo DS and J got a Leapster, which is a bigger hit than I thought it would be. I got DH some new CD's for the trip and we can't wait to meet our new nephew/cousin!
We have many happy memories from this year!!
p.s. does anyone have Webkinz??? Is the site usually accessible? Is it busy now just because of xmas? It keeps kicking us out so the kids have not been able to play on the site. They were really looking forward to it, as they hear about them all the time from their friends.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Christmas Vacation
I am officially on break, and I have been busy getting ready for the holidays. Last night the kids and I made cinnamon applesauce ornaments. They were really into it, and we now have at least 15 new ornaments for the tree. I am trying to talk them into giving a few away but they hate to part with their precious ornaments!! I'd have to say it was fairly easy, although I am never a big fan of rolling dough a million times. And I had to use more applesauce than required of the recipe to even make it dough like. It smelled great while they were baking though!! Right now I am mid-cookie making. I mixed up 3 different doughs and started baking. The sugar cookies are waiting until the kids can use the cookie cutters to make their own. They just love those cookie cutter projects!! They should be home any minute so I gotta run.
P.S. I got an A this semester!
P.S. I got an A this semester!
Monday, December 17, 2007
last test
I have my final test tonight, and then I have a few weeks off. By 8pm I will be done with my 3rd semester of nursing school. Hard to believe. Next semester will bring many new challenges. I will have a preceptorship in cardiac ICU for 3 weeks. I will be doing rotations in pediatrics, L&D, postpartum/OB, and general med/surg. This will be my first semester working with kids, babies, and pregnany moms. It is kind of weird because this is why I went to nursing school. I still do not know what area I want to work in, but this next semester will be a good indicator if I do really want to work with kids, babies, or moms/pregnancy. I doubt I will start out in those areas #1 because they are specialty areas and hard for new grads to get into #2 I would like to get a broad base first before specializing #3 I have no idea what I want to do!! I have liked so many areas that it is really hard for me to chose where I really want to work!! It is going to be really hard to fill out applications with so many choices. I am leaning towards float, ER, or cardiac. All would give me great experience. And I may have to take what I can get, with hours that work for my family.
Anyway, I have to study. I really do. I am so excited to be done soon!
Anyway, I have to study. I really do. I am so excited to be done soon!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
donuts with dad
Today the kids had "donuts with dad" at their school. It was at 8am, which is early for us to be up and ready by. Thank goodness we don't live in the neighboring town that starts elementary school at 7am!! Yikes!
Anyway, today was the first time in a while that both kids were in school and I didn't have any obligations. I usually have some type of appointment or have to work at the school. So, instead of doing anything fun I did laundry and studied for my final on monday. I think I'm in pretty good standing to get an A, but I want to study enough to make sure I can get that A!! Then after grades come out I can start applying for jobs already. The new grad programs hire early around here. So, I will be busy over my winter break doing job applications.
The kids will be home soon so I gotta run. Happy Tuesday!
Anyway, today was the first time in a while that both kids were in school and I didn't have any obligations. I usually have some type of appointment or have to work at the school. So, instead of doing anything fun I did laundry and studied for my final on monday. I think I'm in pretty good standing to get an A, but I want to study enough to make sure I can get that A!! Then after grades come out I can start applying for jobs already. The new grad programs hire early around here. So, I will be busy over my winter break doing job applications.
The kids will be home soon so I gotta run. Happy Tuesday!
Friday, December 07, 2007
for the whole (well the small amount of people who really read this blog) world to see.....

I am putting it all out there, these are some before and after pics of me from Aug 2007 to Nov 2007. I was thinking that I don't "feel" like I am any different. I don't feel thinner, but looking back at the Aug picture, I am. Since thanksgiving I haven't been eating the greatest so I'm hoping that posting these today will give me some willpower to get through the holidays without any weight gain. I really like the after pictures much better!!! It is obvious that I gain weight right around my middle. Not only is this unattractive, but it is really unhealthy. Studies show that people who gain "belly" weight are more likely to suffer a heart attack or other heart condition. I am not a person who gains weight in my legs or arms, just around the middle (and the boobs too!) Weirdly enough, I haven't lost too much in the boobs this time around. And I think my legs are a little thinner. Anyway, just taking this picture tonight has made me realize that it is a good thing. It isn't just something that isn't noticable. My husband said that I seem the same as always. He says that I was perfect before. As nice as this is, I wanted to hear that I seem different. Look different. I WANT to look different. I think I DO.
It isn't about the weight, it really isn't. It is about feeling good and being healthy. Now if I can stay off the scale....
I'm off to study, goodnight!!!!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Winter is here to stay

The snow fell all day Sunday, and all day Tuesday. It has turned into winter wonderland here. And as pretty as it looks, to me it is the start of the long, frigid winter. I do enjoy a nice snowfall, and don't even mind the chilly temps. It is when it gets to be 0 degrees or less every morning and I don't just want to start the car, I have to start the car in the mornings. I seriously have to start the car at least 15 min before going anywhere for it to be remotely lukewarm inside, and for the windows to be clear of ice and snow. This time of year also means tons of snow gear for the kids. And it all comes home from school wet and cold. And did you know it is really hard to get boots and gloves dry over night? I have to either come up with a better solution or else find a new kind of boots and gloves. B's boots, especially, are soaking wet. There is no liner I can remove to dry. My solution is to put them by the heating vents and hope for the best. I do this with gloves also. Many mornings, they are still damp. I have dried the gloves in the drier but it says not to on the tag. Maybe I'm buying the wrong kind. I don't know. I have to hang the coats and snowpants each day also. There is also the stuffing of the backpacks, with lunches, shoes to change into, snowpants if they aren't wearing them, folders, library books, snacks and everything else. Can you tell this time of year is a big change for us??? Granted, I am enjoying the holiday spirit and the excitement of the kids over a big snow outside. I am not a big outdoor person when it comes to snow. I will sit out all day in the summer but I don't like to sit out in the cold snow. But winter is here and there is nothing I can do but accept it! :)
Not much else going on with me. I am trying to get done with this semester so I can enjoy a couple weeks off. I am getting close to done with my Xmas shopping. I have the kids presents wrapped even. I got my new purse and can't decide if I like it. If anything, it was free. It is not one I would pick out but maybe I can get some use out of it. I'll try to post a pic:
ok, I think it posted at the top of this post. oh well. I also put in a pic of the kids by the tree. The purse I won is the bronze colored one in front. The other one is my favorite knock off purse that I use all the time. The new one has a big "G" on the front that looks like the green bay packers "G" but I guess is supposed to be for "Guess" brand. It is a little big and shiny I think. The color is ok kind fo a bronzy brown, it looks kind of metallic. And lots of silver things on it, but maybe it would look ok with the right outfit. My guess is that it was up for a drawing for a reason (like, no one wanting to buy it!) The price tag said $45. I would have never paid that much.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
The tree is up and won something
We finally got our decorations out, including the fake tree. Unfortunately we aren't getting a real tree this year, for a few reasons.
#1 - we are trying to cut down on spending, and real trees are $40 at the least
#2 - we are leaving within a few days of Christmas on a road trip (12 hr) to see my new nephew, brother and sister in law
#3 - we have a fake tree and haven't used it in the past 5 years at least
I was a little discouraged that I didn't get my real tree. I love the smell of a real tree. But after I got over it, I realized it looks pretty good and whether or not I have a real tree won't really change Christmas for anyone involved. Plus, the brances are strong enough to hold all of our heavy ornaments, so that is a plus. I decorated the house as much as I'm going to this year. Some years I go all out (non-nursing school years) and others I do simple but still festive. I did teh tree, mantle and a few other odds and ends. The kids collect nutcrackers so we proudly display them each year, adding at least 1 new one per kids every year. We have a total of 8 this year. I usually let them pick a new one out AFTER Christmas when they are 50% off. J even has some girly ones, a princess and a girl holding a doll nutcracker. So cute. B loves the big ones wearing their fancy costumes. We saw the neatest one dressed in army camoflauge. But it was $12.99 so we passed and hope it will be on clearance later.
Anyway I must be going but I have to add that I won a drawing at a purse party I went to last night and won a free handbag!! I had gone to the open house to buy my mom a handbag for her birthday. I wanted so badly to buy one (or more) for myself, but I didn't. I held back due to a conversation with DH about finances. I had 2 that I really loved but was proud I didn't give in to the temptation. I got my mom a nice conservative black purse that she seemed to really like. As I left the host had me fill out my name on a sheet for a drawing for a free purse. To tell you the truth I don't really remember what the purse looked like but the hostess assures me it is cute. I can't believe I won. I told DH that it is good I didn't buy anything because I would have felt guilty if I bought one then won one also! So, I'll let you know how it looks when I get it. I already have 2 knockoff purses that I really use a lot.
The snow has been falling all day. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.
#1 - we are trying to cut down on spending, and real trees are $40 at the least
#2 - we are leaving within a few days of Christmas on a road trip (12 hr) to see my new nephew, brother and sister in law
#3 - we have a fake tree and haven't used it in the past 5 years at least
I was a little discouraged that I didn't get my real tree. I love the smell of a real tree. But after I got over it, I realized it looks pretty good and whether or not I have a real tree won't really change Christmas for anyone involved. Plus, the brances are strong enough to hold all of our heavy ornaments, so that is a plus. I decorated the house as much as I'm going to this year. Some years I go all out (non-nursing school years) and others I do simple but still festive. I did teh tree, mantle and a few other odds and ends. The kids collect nutcrackers so we proudly display them each year, adding at least 1 new one per kids every year. We have a total of 8 this year. I usually let them pick a new one out AFTER Christmas when they are 50% off. J even has some girly ones, a princess and a girl holding a doll nutcracker. So cute. B loves the big ones wearing their fancy costumes. We saw the neatest one dressed in army camoflauge. But it was $12.99 so we passed and hope it will be on clearance later.
Anyway I must be going but I have to add that I won a drawing at a purse party I went to last night and won a free handbag!! I had gone to the open house to buy my mom a handbag for her birthday. I wanted so badly to buy one (or more) for myself, but I didn't. I held back due to a conversation with DH about finances. I had 2 that I really loved but was proud I didn't give in to the temptation. I got my mom a nice conservative black purse that she seemed to really like. As I left the host had me fill out my name on a sheet for a drawing for a free purse. To tell you the truth I don't really remember what the purse looked like but the hostess assures me it is cute. I can't believe I won. I told DH that it is good I didn't buy anything because I would have felt guilty if I bought one then won one also! So, I'll let you know how it looks when I get it. I already have 2 knockoff purses that I really use a lot.
The snow has been falling all day. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.
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