Friday, February 16, 2007

Delayed weigh in

I won't be weighing again til the 1st of March. I am too stressed and tired to weigh and not see a change. I am going to keep at it, and keep going on my good habits but I am really busy and want to wait to weigh. I guess I'm nervous I'll be disappointed if I don't get the number I want. And I so do not want it to be about the number. I have a HUGE performance test tomorrow at 8am and 1pm. I am very nervous and need to keep calm and confident in order to do well. Wish me luck and I'll update after my weekend classes.

1 comment:

me said...

I'm back on the healthy eating/diet bandwagon again myself and not wanting to weigh either. LOL Ugh, the great trauma of life, the scale. How did the performance test go? Hopefully well.