Monday, November 26, 2007

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Drove 10 hours, slept poorly, ate too much (gained only 1 lb) and went shopping

We made our yearly treck to the in laws for thanksgiving. A grand time was had by all. I hardly talked to the kids they were so busy playing with their cousins. I didn't enjoy the drive or the sleeping, but I had a good time. My mother in law makes so much food. I had turkey, potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cheesy potatoes (my fave), and of course lots of sweets. I was happy to find out I only gained 1 lb over the weekend. I am back home exercising and eating well again. Did you know the average American gains 7 lb over the holidays??? Wow.

Anyway, I ended up going shopping on Friday. I got up at 6:30 and was out the door by 7am. The stores opened up anywhere from 4am - 6am so I wasn't there for the doors opening. I went to Target first and found some scooters I wanted for the kids. My mother in law is going to give them for Xmas gifts. I also found a bunch of DVD's to give as gifts. Then I was off to a few other stores. I ended up finding the boy Baby Alive doll that J wants to badly. I guess in IA they have them and up here in MN we don't. They are still going for really high prices on Amazon and Ebay so I got a good deal and was so happy to find this darn doll. She better love it. I think I am done shopping for J. She will get the doll from my parents. I got her some doll outfits, a CD player, 3 CD's, a Leapster with 2 games, and 2 DVD's. I may buy a couple books to add in there and she will be done. However, I am not sure what to get B. My parents got him a DS which he desperately wants. I got him a game to go with it and a board game called Heroscape. It is a new version of one he already has, and he loves it. It has all these tiny battle figures. It is a complicated game but we play our own version. I also got him 2 DVD's. I will also get him books and I really should get him one more present. I am not sure what though. He does not ask for much. I also am done for DH, and still have to get something for most of the grandparents. It never seems to be quite done. I enjoy finding the perfect gift, and love to shop (much to my husband's dismay). I also love a good deal.

I am invited to yet another party this Fri, a purse party. Maybe I'll buy the grandma's a new purse, depending on prices and how cute they are. I always love a new purse but I really don't want to spend the money on myself.

I am home today with J and B went back to school. I have class tonight and wed. I have a big assignment/presentation to do wed then a test in a couple weeks. Then I'm done with semester 3 of 4. YAY!

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