Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Praying this is it!! This is the 2nd call that this family has gotten in the past week for a lung transplant. The first call ended up being a dry run (the lungs were not good) and they had their hopes up with no results. I am praying so hard that this time is the real deal.

This story is a true testament to organ donation. It is such a gift to give someone. I have been an organ donor since getting my first license and have made my wishes known to my husband and family. I would love for many others to have the gift of life once I am gone. I truly think it is such a wonderful gift and way to keep a spirit alive. If you aren't an organ donor, please read this story (even if you are, read it!) and consider it!

Pray for Tricia!!!

1 comment:

CFHusband said...

Thank you!