In 4 hr and 20 minutes I will be starting my last test of my first semester of nursing school. I am 1/4 of the way through this hellish journey!! I know in the end I will be a stronger and different person than I am now. I say "hellish" but I know that this is a life changing 2 years for me. It will define me in a different way, and will challenge me in more ways than I ever knew possible. It will beat me down and lift me up. I have had many emotions over the last 4 months. I have felt joy and sadness and pain and exhaustion. I have felt guilt and elation. I will never forget the patients I cared for, or the nurses who taught me. I have made friends and I have probably made some enemies too! I have taught my kids that I can work hard and sometimes I won't always be only a "mommy". They have learned to spend more time with their dad (good thing). Up until now I have only been their mom. I worked part time when B was little but I don't think he remembers much about that time. They have a hard time imagining me working! They ask if they will have to go to daycare. Hopefully not much, I tell them. I am going to be a nurse so I can work when you are sleeping or when your daddy is home. I want to help other people get well, I tell them. They seem to understand. J says she wants to be a doctor when she gets big (oh, and a beeper at Tar*et). B wants to be a paleontologist, president and a police officer. All P's he tells me!
I am off to study for another 1.5 hours until the kids get home from school, and then I will post again with my grade when I find out.
I can't wait until I can spend my vacation with the ones I hold most dear....
And what cuties they are to dream of. Good motivation! :) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Good for you! Absolving that mommy guilt by thinking about everything you can share with your children about why you are becoming a nurse and the great things nurses do!
Now your kids can see you in a different light and have a peek at at a career they may consider for themselves when they become adults.
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