Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Tomorrow we are off to see the relatives in Iowa for 2 days. There, the kids will get even more presents and then we come home to start real life again. Hopefully we can get in some relaxation before school starts up again. I start Jan 10 and will have class 2 nights a week like before.
At this time of year I want to take a moment to write down how grateful I am for all I have in my life. I have my health, my home, and most importantly my wonderful family. My husband who is all I could ever ask for and my children who make my life complete. And I am a lucky woman.
God Bless
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Fever and Traditions
Today is my annual girl Xmas get together. I'll have to figure it out today when I'm there, but it's been about 9 or 10 years that we have done this. Every year. It is now a tradition I guess...
My blog doesn't seem to be opening correctly, so I'm hoping after I post this that I will be able to see it!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Tis the Season
I think we are done shopping! I am so excited, as I always have last minute shopping to do, and this year none I hope! We did go very simple and did not go overboard with any of our gifts. I hope that everyone understands. I have my cards already but have yet to address envelopes. I don't want to send them too early anyhow.
I have 1 week of class left, then my final Dec 13. I am so excited to be done. First, because it's 2 more classes behind me and secondly because my teacher has been so horrible that I am going to be so glad to be with a good teacher again. I have never had a teacher this bad. And I've had LOTS of classes in my life. Next semester I have microbiology, then I'll find out in May if I got accepted to the nursing program. I'm not really sure either way, I could get in and I may not. It all depends how many people apply, what their grades are, and what classes they have completed.
B has woken up with a fever 2 days now. I don't think it's anything serious but still feel bad for the poor little guy. So far the rest of us are ok.
DH was out of town since Wed, but coming home right now. This weekend is busy. B has a birthday party tomorrow (which may not go to depending on the fever), I have my girlfriend Xmas get together Sat at 4. The church program rehearsal is Sat and the program Sun, along with regular sunday school. Since I'm the teacher I have to be there for it all, and it is all just so much chaos. I really think it isn't worth it, there are so many hundreds of kids in our church that the whole place is packed and unless you get a seat up front, you can hardly see your kid performing. A lot of work for not much pay off. Oh well, what can ya do.
I must get going to finish laundry and play with the kiddos.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
We are trying to tone down Christmas this year at our house. First, we are low on money. We had to replace the roof after the bad storms and we also just do not have a lot of extra money to spend for the holiday. So, I am trying to tell as many people to NOT get us or the kids gifts. We all have so much and the kids have so many toys that I truly do not want to bring more into the house. We agreed that the kids will get 1 gift each from Santa, 1 gift each from us, and stocking gifts. They will still get their gifts from the grandparents also. This is hard for me, because I enjoy buying the kids toys and love to shop. However, the kids seemed fine with it. We want them to appreciate what they get, and they really just want simple things. They just enjoy the holiday lights, setting up the tree, baking cookies, and making gifts for people. B told me all he wants is T-Rex mountain, which my parents bought him, and the game Herscape, which I got for a great deal last month. So, from me he will get the game and from Santa probably a dinosaur puzzle I've had in the closet for over a year. He will be beyond happy with just those few things. And J keeps changing what she wants. I think Santa will bring her this baby panda she wants that comes with a bottle and I think makes noises. It is just a little thing but she loves pandas. From me, I am trying to find this baby carebear she wants. I saw it once with her at Target but now everywhere I go they do not have the blue one (she HAS to have blue). So, if i can't find that I will give her the cabbage patch doll I bought her last summer that I have been saving in the closet. For the stockings I will get a couple small toys each. I also may take them to each pick out an ornament for the tree. We also like to make a lot of Xmas crafts. I got a bunch of unfinished wood ornaments really cheap last year at the craft store and the kids will paint those for our tree, for their teachers, and for the grandparents. They always love anything to do with paint!!
I plan to bake some treats for the neighbors and get cheap plates to put them on. I also got some cheap containers and mugs to put candy in for miscellaneous gifts. We just have to figure out our parents, who have everything!!
I am off to bed, hopefully tomorrow will bring fun and family time!!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Have to record this night
It starts with these prayer beads that J made in Sunday school. I teach her class every other week and it was my week. Anyway, B missed since he said his stomach hurt (turned out to be nothing this time, but after the puking at school incident he has me paranoid). We made these little prayer beads with different colors for each thing to pray for. I brought an extra set home for B to make, as I knew he would want some too.
Tonight we took them out and took turns saying our prayers for each color. They kids were so cute and totally went along with this, saying these elaborate prayers each time. I would do my turn, then J, then B. We did this for all 7 of the beads. I would give anything to have a record of their prayers. I know J continued to say "thank you for my mommy and daddy, I love them very much and I want them to go to school with me, and go on rides with me" and B would go into great detail about how he loves his family and "please God, can you bring the kids with no homes toys as fast as you can" and "I am sorry I spit on the mirror, but I cleaned it up, please forgive me and I'm sorry about getting popcorn all over the floor but I cleaned it up" It was so adorable, I wish I could bottle it up. My kids are the biggest miracle in my life.
What would I do without them??? I am so thankful...
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Halloween is over and now on to the holidays!
So, now we are on to planning Thanksgiving and Christmas. I may offer to do Thanksgiving here this year. I also plan to try to have Christmas morning here serving brunch or lunch. I like to have my kids at home for Christmas so we can make our memories here and wake up in our own beds. I love the excitement of waking up to see what Santa brings them. They just love it!
I have class tonight. I think I have 5- 6 weeks left. Over half done. I got an A on my speech and on my test the other week. I am getting an A in both classes. I stil have a lot of tests and work to be done but it is going well so far. I will apply to nursing school in January and find out in May if I get in. If I don't, then I'll have a year off since I'll be done with all my classes except Psychology, which I'll take in the summer.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Taking Control
I will spend quality time with my children each day. I did this today and it felt so great. I will ask them what they want to play and just play with them and nothing else every day for a short time.
I will make these changes and make them for ME!
Friday, October 14, 2005
Wednesday can't come fast enough....
Have a great weekend.
Monday, October 10, 2005
down and out
Thursday, October 06, 2005
The "little" man in my life

My son B is like a best buddy to me. He always makes me laugh, and we talk about everything. My favorite time with him is bedtime, after we read 2 chapters from his book we just lay there and talk about school, friends, and anything else. He seems to be most talkative at this time of day (when he should be the most tired!). I get more information out of him at bedtime than any other time of the day. He has the best laugh in the world. It is such a wonderful sound to hear him laugh at his sister, or at a funny book. He also has the best singing voice. He makes up songs and has such a nice voice. When he is gone at school all day I just can't wait to see him when he gets home. To see him so happy in his life makes me so happy. I hope that he always feels this happy and secure. We all know as kids get older, things get harder. I wish I could bottle up how he feels right now and give it to him later. My wish for him is to be himself, laugh, and be the best he can be. I love you B!!!
Monday, October 03, 2005
The Terrible Three's

My daughter has always been a challenging child. From day one. Her first night in this world was spent crying.... the whole night. I knew it wasn't me, it is just her. She is a very intelligent, demanding, outspoken child. She doesn't cry all day anymore, just whines and bosses me around a lot. I sometimes don't know how to handle her. I try to take it all in stride. I know all children are difficult at times. I know all kids go through bad and good phases. But sometimes in the heat of the moment, when we are having a really hard day together, I get frustrated. I know that she likes to test her limits of how much control she can have. It is important for me to show her that I am the boss. It is like a power struggle on who is really the mom! Today was just one of those days. She was being very insistent, whiney, and plain bossy to me all day. I look at her cute little face and can't believe how she can act sometimes. Thank goodness she is so cute!
Friday, September 30, 2005
I am still here!
We are going to a wedding this weekend, without kids. We leave Sat late morning and come back Sunday late morning. There are 3 other couples that we are good friends with going, and it should be a good time. It is a friends of mine that I have known since kindergarten that is getting married. We went to college together as well, and I lived with her 2 years of college. We were very good friends during that time, but other things came into our lives and we drifted apart. I got married and had kids, she was still living the single life. We didn't have much in common. However, she has always been a person I am very comfortable with, you know the type that you have known forever and things are always just comfortable. And I wish her the best now that she is getting married and starting a family soon.
J and B are still loving school. I have gone from walking B all the way to his locker to now walking him to the crossing guard. I don't want to be a "hover mom" so I'm letting my baby go. He is such a big boy, so independent and just so happy to be at school. He is a little forgetful at times. We had to go back and get his lunchbox on Wed, and he also didn't have his Wed info folder come home like it should. I was tempted to call today to have them make sure he brought it home, but I am going to see if he can figure it out.
My school is also going well. My teacher is not good at all for Anatomy II but I am getting an A so far. My online class is a lot of work but I'm also getting an A in there. The teacher seems to like my writing. The only thing I'm dreading is a speech I have to give on the 17th.
Well, I'm off to see if I can get J to nap!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
About me....
1. I am 31 years old
2. I have the same middle name as my mom
3. I gave a speech at my high school graduation
4. I started playing the piano at age 4
5. My favorite color is red
6. My toenails are always painted
7. I have had long hair as long as I can remember
8. My parents were both teachers
9. I have two younger brothers
10. I moved away for a job right out of college by myself
11. I love the show "Survivor"
12. I have done about 10 scrapbooks for my kids and family
13. My favorite holiday is Christmas
14. I teach Sunday school
15. I used to play soccer
16. I love math
17. I don't like pop/soda
18. I can finish a book in a couple days
19. I know how to wakeboard
20. I love garage sales
21. I wear makeup almost every day
22. I wear a size 8 1/2 shoe, my feet grew 1/2 size after pregnancy
23. I always wanted a son first
24. I pictured myself with all boys
25. My husband is 11 years older than me
26. I used to want to be a doctor
27. I have all the same girlfriends I did when I was 12
28. I never miss the show "ER"
29. I give my kids a bath almost every day
30. My favorite alcoholic drink is a margarita
31. I am not a phone person
32. I like to write letters, real letters!
33. I had braces for 4 years
34. I know how to knit (only a scarf)
35. I do not know how to sew, but want to learn
36. My favorite gift is a plain white gold band my husband gave me when we first started dating
37. I love to bake (but don't because I'll eat it all!)
38. I can't have chocolate in the house or I will eat until I'm sick
39. I walk 3 miles about 3-4 times a week
40. I've never waxed or plucked my eybrows
41. I love McDonald's chicken nuggets (gross I know)
42. I love craft stores
43. I make awesome homemade salsa
44. I do not like my stomach
45. I do like my legs
46. I like to study
47. I am a night person
48. I never buy CD's
49. I love to buy jeans
50. I want to be a midwife someday
On that note, I'll end there!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
My Funny Kids
And J is in preschool now too. She has gone 2 times by herself and both times just waved and said "bye mom, see you later". She never got sad, shed one tear, or looked back at me as I left the room. Makes me happy and sad. I see some of the poor other kids sobbing, and my big girl just playing away. It is so bittersweet to see her so independent. This is the kid, who as a baby, would not let me put her down, give her to another person, or leave the room. I swear, she would not even let her daddy hold her until she was like 18 months old. I would have to leave to her screaming (the very few times I did ever leave her). And sometimes the screaming would ensue for hours, literally. I remember one time I went shopping for like 1 hours with DH's mom and she cried the entire time. It would break my heart to see her so devastated. She was a very emotional baby. She is still sensitive and emotional but has grown up so much. Maybe all that time with me has really made her more secure now. I just can't believe it is the same child. My babies are growing and leaving me already.
I had about 2 hours of time just me today. I studied (real fun huh?) and it was SO quiet. Makes me think about what it will be like when they are both in school. I think that is part of why I do want to work when the kids are a little older. I don't want to be home alone every day. I still want to try to be here most days when they leave and come home from school, but I do want to work to have something other than them. I think staying home is the hardest job in the world, and I have total respect for those that do stay home full time. I just know that it isn't for me long term. I am so grateful to be able to stay home now while my kids are young and home with me and not in school. But they soon will have their life at school, and I will need something more.
If all goes as planned I will start nursing school next fall and will be a registered nurse by the time J is in 1st grade. If I don't get in next year I will have to put it off a year. I hope to then work part time while the kids are in elementary and maybe beyond, maybe forever part time who knows. I would ideally like to work a couple evening shifts a week and maybe every other weekend. Something like that. Maybe even some night shifts. I will have to see what happens.
Life is quite the adventure, especially watching your kids grow and change so quickly. Makes you want to stop the time and take it all in. I can only hope the memories will stay with them and me for a long time to come.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Halloween Jackpot
I have the kids in bed, it is 8:20, and I'm going to start my 2-3 hour studying session tonight. I am nervous about the first test as I always am. I don't feel prepared yet but plan to learn a lot tonight.
We went on a 3 mile walk today (B biked the whole way I was so proud of him!) and I was 127 lb this morning. I have been eating well all week, I'm counting my points (WW) again and it really helps me keep things in control. We got some awesome honeycrisp apples today. They are only out for a limited time but they are SO GOOD. The kids love them too. I also got lots of frozen veggies and fruits (I do better with frozen, I never know how much to buy fresh). I also got the best treat, it is called Blue Bunny White Chocolate Almond Lites. They are an ice cream bar, sugar free, and only 2 points. So good. I will have to remember these. And hide them from DH! I just have to make regular trips to the store to keep my low point stuff that I like stocked up here at the house. I am bad about not going to the store, then eating bad stuff when I don't have any of my good stuff around. I am all stocked up on Zone bars (for dinner on class nights, the chocolate mint are the BEST, 5 points), chocolate mint pria bars (2 pts), 100 calorie packs of wheat thins and ritz mix (2 pts), string cheese (2 pts), lean cuisines, and fruits and veggies. And I also found some weight watchers english muffins at the store today, 1 point each. I like to have eggs and this way I can have an english muffin with them too. Can you tell grocery shopping excited me today? I went to a different store with more selection and found lots of interesting things!!
Anyway, I'm putting off my studying I best get going. Until next time,
Quiet Monday
I decided to put the kids in swimming again this fall. I know I said I was going to take the fall off (for them and me!) but it is only once a week and it forces me to bring them to the pool. Otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't take them swimming at all once fall is here and the cool weather is keeping us inside. This way I pay $32 for each of them to get like 10 lessons. I figure it's cheaper than paying for swimming that many times. I got J in level I and have to call the director to see if B should be in level I or II. He was in level I this summer and they said to wait 1 year to sign up for level II, so I'm guessing they want him to take level I over. So, both kids will be in the same class. J will be so small, but her teacher said she is ready for this level. I don't even think she can touch the bottom where they have the level II classes. We'll see how it goes! They are excited, they start next monday.
Dh is out of town again this week, so I'm on my own with the kids. My brother is coming home friday and we are having a surprise 30th for him on Saturday. His wife planned the trip, so he doesn't know yet. I bet he'll be surprised. The next weekend we have a wedding of one of my friends up north. I met her in kindergarten!
Well, off to get ready for the day!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
My Crazy Life
B just finished his 5th day of school. He seems much more comfortable and happy about going. He bounds right into his room without much of a good bye to me and J. I am happy he is happy. I am sad he is getting so old and independent! J and I may go up and have lunch with him Friday. I might surprise him!
I am very busy with school. I had my first quiz last week (got an A) and now I have my first big test on Tuesday. I have a lot of studying to do. And since I have an online class too, I have to do a paper for that every week. Plus I have a movie report, book report, cultural comparison, speech and tests for that class as well. It is just so much busy work. Not hard at all, just busy and time consuming. Taking 2 classes is good to get used to juggling nursing school and family (next year if I get in). I hope I can do it.
I am getting headaches almost daily. That is what really puts a damper in things. I have a new prescription called Relpax. I first take Advil and if that doesn't work I take the Relpax. It works very fast and well, BUT it costs $40 for 6 pills. I can't afford to take them very often! I get headaches off and on, depending on my hormones (I think), so hopefully they will go away soon for a while. I don't usually get them this often, so stress is playing a small part I'm sure. I don't feel stressed, but maybe I am trying to do too much. I worry about taking so much medicine but I have to be able to function. I also think the headaches are a result of my cutback in sugar products from my diet. I am starting to count points again, and it is going fine but I think my body is in shock from the lower amounts of carbs and sugars. But hopefully that will even out soon and in the long run I get fewer headaches when I am eating a lower fat diet.
I'm off to make supper for the kids now and hopefully DH will grill me our porkchops soon I'm getting very hungry!!!
Until next time....
Friday, September 09, 2005
The weather seems to be getting colder now. The mornings are chilly now, and I can already feel summer drifting away. We like fall, with halloween and thanksgiving, but summer is still our favorite around here. The kids are already thinking of their costumes. Right now B wants to be a ninja and J wants to be superman. I'm sure that will change a few times!
Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
My Future
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you" - Psalm 32:8
I am taking college courses right now. I have a quiz tomorrow. Sometimes I feel like being in school at this point in my life is very difficult. I am a good student and I study quite a bit. I know this takes some time away from my kids. I try my very best to do my studying while they are sleeping or busy playing without me. I study off and on throughout the day instead of sitting there for hours on end. I hope I am making the right decision. I have 2 courses left after this semester to take, then I will be totally done with the prerequisites for nursing school. I have already taken 4 courses. This is in addition to the MANY courses I have done in the past for my bachelor degree. My husband says I am an eternal student. I do like taking classes, I like taking notes and reading and learning. I don't like busy work, like writing papers for a communications class about my communicating style. I don't think this particular class is going to help me become a nurse, but who knows. I guess they think I need it. I love learning anatomy, because I know it is applicable to my future career and because it interests me.
I sometimes look a year or 2 ahead and picture going to nursing school and trying to have time with my family. I think I can do it but I have doubts. I know I will do well in school, I'm afraid my family time will suffer. I never want my kids to think I'm too busy for them. I think I will be staying up late many nights that year. I hope it all comes easily to me, that I don't have to kill myself studying. I hope I do well, that I like it, that I find that it is the career that I'm destined to have. I will be so disappointed if it is not. I do feel I have a calling to this career, I feel like it is "me". I just pray that God is taking me in the right direction, because the road getting there is not an easy one.
I'm off to study!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Why I love my husband
My husband is the hardest working person I know. He has not a lazy bone in his body. He works 100% at everything he does. Sometimes I wish he would just be lazy but that isn't him. I admire that, I am jealous of that. I think that he is just amazing what he does. He works a very stressful job. He travels at least 50% of the time, and he just deals with it. He never just says screw it. He always does what he should do, and he always does it well. He works so hard for us, for his family. He sacrifices so much to provide for us. He has to be away from us to provide for us, which is so hard for everyone but it is what our life is for now and he deals with it (much better than I do).
My husband is a great father. The kids just adore him. You can tell that he is their hero. The way they look up to him and watch him talk and take in every word he says. They are absolute angels for him too, very unlike they are for me. They take his word as the absolute truth and will do anything he says. He takes them on bike rides and plays pretend farmers market with them in the back yard. He makes up silly nicknames for everyone. He makes them giggle. He wrestles with them and they can't get enough.
And lastly, my husband is a great partner. We still are the best of friends. I still feel butterflies when I look at him, and he is the most attractive man I will ever know. I am thankful for my husband every day.
I love you, my dear husband, and I miss you terribly when you are away. I hope you always know how much I love and need you.
God Bless them all.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Me: "What was your favorite part of today at school?"
B: "Seeing you again" (waiting for him at the corner)
That boy knows how to steal my heart....
Actually I think he did like school. I didn't get a whole lot of information out of him, but he was probably overwhelmed and was tired. He didn't want to answer my 100 questions about every detail of his day. I don't blame him. I hopefully will get tidbits of info from time to time, and be happy with that.
I wanted to add a couple funny things he said before he went to kindergarten:
"Mom, when it is playtime, I am just going to sit there. I will do the other things the teacher says but I'm NOT playing." (when he was feeling sorry for himself for having to go to school)
After the open house, seeing his room etc...
"I'm glad it is a small room, I thought it was going to be in one big room with a lot of people, and I thought they would talk to me in Spanish."
(This shows how the imaginations of kids go wild. He thought the school was 1 big huge room and tons of people, talking so much it was like spanish to him.)
We both got through the first day.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
You stole my heart
The boy who stole my heart 5 1/2 years ago when I first set eyes on you. I remember so vividly the moment you were place upon my chest, and you stared up at me with those big blue eyes. You came out crying, then you stopped and just looked at me. I remember how cute you looked, not wrinkly or old looking like so many babies look. You had a perfect round and bald head. You had the cutest little face. You were and are just perfect.
Today was a very big day for you, and for me. You don't even really realize it, but today when you started kindergarten I realized that from this point on, you are no longer just my baby. You are a student, a friend, a little boy who has interests outside of our home, and outside of me. I know we will always be the best of friends. You make me laugh every day. I love your little looks you give me, looks only between us. The little smirk when you know you have done something to trick your sister. I love your dimples that you have had since birth.
I am so proud of the boy you have become. I am proud to be your mommy.
Monday, August 29, 2005
I'm back!
J needs me in the potty, I'll write again soon. Have a VERY busy week coming up. B starts school Thurs...yikes!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Getting to know you and my little Astrobat!!
1. Name
2. Do you have a blog? (you can give me a link and I'll add you to my blog list!)
3. Why did you start a blog?
4. What are your greatest passions?
5. What are your weekend plans?
Here are my answers.
1. Jennifer
2. I am a new blogger, but have been reading blogs for a while now.
3. I wanted to document my every day life and have a place to vent.
4. My kids and husband, my home, my friends, my education/career dreams, and my hobbies (scrapbooking, crafts, reading, walking)
5. I am going to a cabin with 6 of my best friends!!!
please give me your answers!!!
Have to add my funny kid stories here too before they are gone from my memory! The kids are sword fighting right now. I'm telling you, my daughter is getting so influenced by her 5 yr old brother!! She keeps up with him too! J was going potty today, and she wanted to be alone. Fine, she likes to be independent. I left and she was in there quite a while, I went in and she is STANDING ON THE SINK.
Me: What are you doing J???
J: Mommy, I'm just being an ASTROBAT
Later, she was supposed to be resting/napping (naps don't always happen here anymore). I am resting with B and I hear her whispering "TA DA" over and over. I figure that can't be good and go in there. She is standing on her table. Not as high or dangerous as the sink but still not where she should be standing. Again, she was being an ASTROBAT. What to do with this child.....
I was trying to get B to rest/nap, as he has been sick the past 2 days. I am in bed with him, and I could use a nap too. He just keeps giggling and giggling. That deep belly laugh. He said he just sometimes laughs and can't stop. It was the cutest thing. At least he hasn't gotten into ASTROBATTING lately.
My kids, they are the best!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Feeling Overwhelmed
If I go on my girls trip tomorrow night I have to still pack, get liquor, get groceries, get my recipe for my meal, get my scrapbook stuff together, and pack up everything, the cooler, the kids, the dog and her food/kennel. I just feel like I want to go sleep and not deal with it all. I still have some laundry to put away and dishes to unload. Have I mentioned that I hate it when DH is gone, I just feel so overwhelmed, and overworked. I have no one to take out the garbage, not one to help me watch the kids so I can do anything. I just hate it.
I'm done with my pity party now!
Back again soon!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Most importantly, I hope that he is going to be ok. I hate when my kids are sick. I would do anything to help them feel better. Nothing is worse than my active, hyper, talkative little boy sitting in his carseat half asleep, looking like he feels terrible. Breaks my heart.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Made it through today
We went right from swimming to a little carnival for kids at a playground. It was geared more for little ones, but B still had fun playing some mini golf and winning some fruit snacks. We met a friend and her kids there and they all had fun running around on the play equipment. We then headed to Culvers for lunch. The kids had the chicken tenders kids meals and I had a butterburger. I am sure it is loaded with calories but it was just a single burger, no cheese, and I hardly had any fries or chicken. Just a few bites, and the chicken wasn't that great either. We got the kids' free scoop of custard. J chose vanilla with sprinkles and B chose mint explosion (because he's a boy and it had the word explosion in it!). However, as I suspected, he didn't like the mint flavor, and we had to get a vanilla with sprinkles for him too. The lady ended up giving it to us free (I was totally going to pay for it) so I got the mint explosion. Hardly what I need, but it was very good and it was small. Plus, I didn't get a proper dinner tonight due to class. On class nights I only bring a Zone bar to eat and so I had a good reason to eat more for lunch! :) We'll see what the scale thinks in the morning.
No working out today unfortunately. We have a less busy day tomorrow so I hope to take the kids on the long 3 mile route after J naps.
I am up way too late, but I have a hard time sleeping when DH is out of town. It is just too quiet, too still, too scary!! I hate being here alone with the kids, and I am a lot. I just want him here, it just feels odd when he is gone. I will never be used to it.
I have lots of preparation to do for my girls cabin weekend. I have food to buy, drinks to buy, kids to get ready for a stay at grandma and papa's, stuff to pack, house to clean after our playdate here Friday, clothes to wash, and probably a million other things. I should probably start on my coursework this week too, to try to stay ahead of things. I have papers to write every week for one class, and lots of memorizing for quizzes in the other. I will be BUSY!!!!
I'm off to try to sleep, be back soon!
First Day of School....
So, soon all of us will be in school. B in kindergarten, J in preschool, and me in college! Oh, and I also volunteered to teach Church School again this year. I did B last year and will do J this year. So, the kids have that each sunday. I hope it isn't too much for them. I think I have decided to not do any extracurricular activies for the kids this fall. We may do swimming if it is once a week on a good day, but nothing else. I think the adjustment to school will be exhausting enough. This winter we will for sure do swimming and possibly gynmastics or karate. It always depends on the days they are offered. With me at school T,Th we have to work around that, DH is gone so much I have to be able to bring them to everything.
Well, I best get us ready for the day. We have swimming this morning then I have to get to the school to get my books, then drop the kids at grandma and papa's house. Busy day!!!!
note: did 3 miles last night with J in stroller and B on bike. I was SO proud of him, he didn't think he could do it, but he did!! We stopped at the park half way and played. Unfortunately, even though I ate GREAT yesterday and did my walk, I am 130.5. Gained 1/2 lb. I think it is going to go down tomorrow though, I feel a little bloated for some reason. I don't think it is an actual gain, but still discouraging.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Something to ponder....
“You can support the troops but not the president.”–Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)
“Well, I just think it’s a bad idea. What’s going to happen is they’regoing to be over there for 10, 15, maybe 20 years.”–Joe Scarborough (R-FL)
“Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that maycome home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up theirlife?”–Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99
“[The] President . . . is once again releasing American military mighton a foreign country with an ill-defined objective and no exitstrategy. He has yet to tell the Congress how much this operation willcost. And he has not informed our nation’s armed forces about how longthey will be away from home. These strikes do not make for a soundforeign policy.”–Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA)
“American foreign policy is now one huge big mystery. Simply put, theadministration is trying to lead the world with a feel-good foreignpolicy.”–Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)
“If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain theyhave a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy.”–Karen Hughes, speaking on behalf of George W Bush
“I had doubts about the bombing campaign from the beginning . . Ididn’t think we had done enough in the diplomatic area.”–Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)
“I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that itis often easier to make war than peace. This administration is justlearning that lesson right now. The President began this mission withvery vague objectives and lots of unanswered questions. A month later,these questions are still unanswered. There are no clarified rules ofengagement. There is no timetable. There is no legitimate definitionof victory. There is no contingency plan for mission creep. There isno clear funding program. There is no agenda to bolster ourover-extended military. There is no explanation defining what vitalnational interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for warwhen the President started this thing, and there still is no plantoday”–Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)
“Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the President toexplain to us what the exit strategy is.”–Governor George W. Bush (R-TX)
Funny thing is, we ended that war without a single American killed in action.
Weekend Fun and Other Stuff
Speaking of state fair time, it is coming up this week. We plan to go once with the kids, then once just us since we are going to a concert there on the 1st. We are seeing Rascall Flatts. I hope they are as good in person as on the radio. I love that song about the broken road. Not sure of the name.
As far as the eating goes, I'm doing ok but not great. I'm not losing any weight but I'm eating better. I did go on my 3 mile walk last night and have been eating more fiber lately so hopefully this week will be a good one. I just ate a turkey/cheese sandwich for lunch and will have an orange too. I plan to not eat out this week so that helps. I am going on a girls weekend this Fri-Sun with 6 of my best friends. We do this yearly - go to a cabin of one of them, and hang out and have fun. 2 of them are pregnant but the rest of us will have a few drinks and we bring all our meals and just hang out. It is something we all look forward to each year and now it is almost here.
I also start classes this week. I have class tuesdays and thursdays. I am taking Anatomy & Physiology II and also an online course, Interpersonal Communications. I will then only have Microbiology and Psychology left to take before I can do nursing school. I am hoping to get in by next fall but may not being that I won't have the psych done yet. If not, I'll have an easy year then start the next fall. I am going to try to get into a night/weekend program about 1/2 hour away, it is 2 nights a week and every other weekend. It will take 2 years to complete. Then I can start being a nurse! I can't wait. I want to work in L&D, then go to CNM school down the road. That is my ultimate goal, even if it is long-term.
Anyway, B is having a friend over in 1/2 hour so I better get the house picked up. (so it can just get messed up again!) HA!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Crossing Over
Crossing Over
It was a cool autumn day. Clouds overshadowed the canopy of blue. The winds whispered by as leaves rustled to the ground. A day to remember, that was. The day young women everywhere wait their whole lives for, and I knew in my heart I would treasure those moments forever. Before me stood a young man, with whom I had shared my vast secrets and exchanged moments. I had whispered promises in his ear and did my best to fulfill them. I had never trusted anyone with the key to my heart until he entered my life. Now, I knew the only safe place for this key to remain was with him. This was the first for both of us. We gazed nervously in each other's eyes, waiting for the other to make the first move. I was unsure if we were ready for this. Making a hasty decision like this could be so devastating to our lives. We stood there in silence for what seemed an eternity. Echoes from the past rang endlesslyin my mind. The laughter and tears we had shared will forever be held in a special place in my heart. My emotions were so vulnerable at that point. Part of me wanted to run and hide, and the other said, "Go ahead, it's time." I stood back to take one last glance at him to remember how he looked before we took this major step. Never again would I look at him as I do now. Things would be different once we crossed over, we couldn't look back. Once again our eyes met. If only we could cease time and steal those moments away in our hearts forever. Neither he nor I would ever feel as we did then. There's only one first time for everything, and this was it. I wrapped my arms around him and playfully kissed the tip of his nose, then I whispered softley in his ear, "I love you." Then it happened-the moment we had both been waiting for. I'll never forget that day or the silly grin on his face afterward. Tears streamed down my face as he crossed the street to step on that big yellow bus. Then he turned to me and said, "Bye, Mommy. I love you."
Written by Angela Martin - 6th Bowl of Chicken Soup for the Soul.
In less than 2 weeks my baby boy will be going to kindergarten. I am already emotional about this, I get tears in my eyes every time I think of this day. I don't know how I will hold it together for him. I have to and I will, but it will be hard. We spend every day together, and now those days will be cut in half (he goes to school every other day) and I will miss him terribly. I will miss the fact that he is no longer just mine, he is going into the big world and going to find other things that will make him happy. I know he will succeed, I know it is a big step for both of us and I know we have many things to look forward to. But a small part of me is sad for this little bald baby that I held for the first time in Feb of 2000 to now be a full-fledged boy. Where did the time go??? He has brought me more joy than I ever could imagine in the past 5 years. I love this kid so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
All Stocked Up
Still doing pretty well on my eating. I have not had any binges. I am still around 130 lb but I'm not focusing on the number. I'm trying to change habits, and that will result in a slow loss but I'd rather focus on the actual day to day eating habits. I did have some hershey kisses last night but not a huge amount. Also ate out at an Italian place with my girlfriends. I had a yummy low cal pasta meal but also had a breadstick, salad, and a berry sangria. Better than I'd usually do but still a lot of calories. So, I do a lot better when I don't eat out.
I have a busy weekend and week ahead of me, I hope I can stay on track.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
small changes
1 mint zone bar
1 slice low cal meatloaf (1/2 turkey 1/2 lean gr beef)
1 slice low cal/high fiber bread
1 slice lf cheese
1 small muffin
I plan to eat light the rest of the day because of the muffin, I shouldn't have had that. Oh well, at least I only had 1, and the other 3 are on the stove. I made them for DH and the kids this morning. I probably should do the no carb thing for a week or so to get it out of my system but I did it this summer and felt very weak and crabby for a few days. I think I'm going to just try to watch the kinds of carbs for now.
I plan to keep walking when I can. I start school next week but I still have time during the day. I can walk with the stroller and B on his bike to the park 1.5 miles away. It's just getting the motivation to actually do it. The kids have swimming every morning also so that takes up our morning time. J sometimes takes afternoon naps but not every day. I do try with her most days and she probably takes a nap 50% of the time, and just reads/talks to herself the other 50%.
The kids are doing great in swimming. The both love it. J is the littlest in her class but she is quite brave. She will go under and jump off the side and some of the bigger kids don't do that yet. B can swim underwater and is learning to float and do some strokes. I hope they improve in these 2 weeks, so that they can pass on to the next level.
It is a beautiful, hot day and I think we are going to do something as a family tonight. Not sure what yet but we'll figure something out!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Day One
Sunday, August 14, 2005
DH and I started watching the movie Sideways the other night, we have to finish it tonight. It has been interesting so far, I know it got nominated for lots of awards, so I'll have to see how the rest of it goes. I also watched Garden State last week. I thought it was pretty good, I like the lower budget independent films. I also have Kate and Leopold to watch this week. We belong to a club that we get our movies sent to us and when we send them back we get another one. It is great, no late fees, and we can keep them as long as we want. And we always have some new movie to watch. I love it!
Today we will maybe go to the beach when J wakes from her nap. We have a steak to grill for dinner and then go for a walk or bikeride. I hope to get my 3 mile walk in today and at least 3 other days this week. I have a loop around town that I do, it is so nice out today I hope to take advantage of the weather now that it isn't so hot.
I'm off to do some laundry, have a great day!
Friday, August 12, 2005
I am getting nervous about all the things coming up this fall. J possibly starting preschool, which we really can't afford but I really would like her to go. B starting Kindergarten, me starting 2 classes towards my nursing career. I have never done 2 at one time so I hope I can do it, plus still have time for my responsibilities as a wife, mother and homemaker. I also have a concert at the state fair coming up, a girls weekend that I possibly won't be able to go on, and a wedding oct 1. Plus 2 birthday parties later this month.
DH travels a lot and it is wearing him and me down. He works so hard, and we hardly make enough to get by. He never gets a raise or any overtime for all his work. He travels at least 50% of the time, and it just gets old. I hate not having money for things like school and activities for the kids. I don't need a luxurious lifestyle, I just want to not worry about every penny. I want my kids to be involved in activites and have hobbies that we can support them in as they get older. I want to be able to buy a new outfit every once in a while. I want to go on a trip with my family and not worry. I want to just be comfortable. I wish money were never an issue.
Well, DH will be home soon and I better get the house in order. I like to have things in order when he gets home, to make it easier to enjoy our weekend. Oh, I forgot to add I may have to get a weekend job, which then takes away our little family time we do have together. Life is a bummer right now.
Until next week....
Thursday, August 11, 2005
My daughter is amazing
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Lifelong habits are hard to break
Between kids, I never really lost the weight. I wasn't overweight but I was bigger, for me at least. Before kids at all I was probably 125 lb. After B was born I never got below 135. Probably stayed between 135-140. After J was born I bought the Weight Watchers at home kit. It was $99 I remember and I hated spending that kind of money to lose weight when I really could do it myself. I went from 140 to 130 pretty quickly and even got down to 125 a few times. I can get down to 125, then I get lazy, or travel, or go out to eat, then I get back into the bad cycle again. I have been in a bad cycle this past week. I am back up to 131 lb this morning. I am not a very tall person probably 5'3" or 5'4". I know that even at 135-140 I am not overweight. I am probably at a fine weight, but I hate the way I eat and how I feel when I do this. I hate being unhealthy. I hate that I know that if I ate healthy all the time, as a lifestyle, I would probably look so much better, feel so much better than I do now. I feel like I sabotage myself and I truly do NOT know why!! I don't know why I eat, or why I binge. Maybe I need to find out why.
I can remember being a young kid, sneaking food into my room and eating a large quantity of forbidden foods. My parents didn't let us eat junk food much and I think I knew that. I don't know if my problems now stem from that.
I just know that I want to be happy about my body and what I eat. I really don't care about the number on the scale, I just don't want that number to go up and down so much. I just don't know where to start.
Potty Power
Monday, August 08, 2005
My "Adults Only" Weekend
We went on a boat trip down the river with 3 other couples. We stop at some bars on the way, have a great catered dinner at a fancy hotel that night, and visit a local craft fair during the day. The weather was awesome, sunny and hot. We even got in the water and swam around for a bit.
I was very happy to see the kids again on Sunday. They had a great time, were spoiled of course at Grandma and Papa's house!
My husband had to leave this morning for a week long work trip, so that is a little depressing. We thought about going with him, since he is going to where his family is from. However, he will be working long hours, and we would probably be without a car all day and I just don't want to be stuck at his mom's house doing nothing for 5 days straight. I feel so guilty about not going, I know he wanted me to, but I just have to be at home where I can do things. I would have gone for a few days but 5 days was too much. I would have had to pack for me and the kids also late last night. Am I a terrible wife??? I have a huge guilt complex. I always feel bad about one thing or another, I wish I was stronger when it came to doing what is right for ME.
Anyway, the kids are wanting some breakfast I supposed I should get going. Until next time!
Friday, August 05, 2005
I figured out how to link blogs!!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Vacation Bible School
Monday, August 01, 2005
My first blog entry!!
Now, on to my kids....
My son (B) will be starting kindergarten this year (gulp) and is growing into a little man before my eyes. He is the most amazing little boy (don't all moms say that???). He is smart, and funny, and wise beyond his years. He is obsessed with dinosaurs (since he was 3) and also loves GI Joe, Magic Treehouse books, swimming, and movies. He has beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair, and he looks just like his daddy.
My daughter (J) just turned 3 and was supposed to go to preschool this fall but refuses to go on the potty so she may not go (bummer for me, she doesn't seem to mind this one bit). She is my sweet, challenging, intense child. She likes to get her way but can also be a little angel. She is cute as can be with big dark brown eyes and light brown curly long hair. She is a little peanut and looks younger than her age. It has been said she is a "mini-me" of myself.
I will end this entry here, as it is jumbled and has no rhyme or reason but I guess that is the point of your own blog, it doesn't have to have a point if you don't want it to.
Until next time!