My kids truly love each other. They have a bond that I love watching grow and change as they get older. They seem to care more about the other one than themselves at times. Weird as that is for a 6 and almost 4 year old it is true. My son B, definately shows that he really loves his sister. Tonight at soccer she was trying to practice with the team and B wanted her to be able to go first and he wanted to play things again so she could try to successfully do them. It was so sweet that he was putting her first. He wanted her to have her turn before him, which is pretty selfless for a 6 year old. She adores her brother as well. As you can see in this picture, they are wearing matching shirts. This is because she just HAD to have an army shirt like her brother (the numbers and letters on the shirt are camoflauge). Every time she sees something with an army theme (there are a lot of clothes out there lately with that motif), she will say "B would like that!". They like to buy things for each other and point out what the other would like if I am shopping with one of them alone. They love to play together and miss each other when they are apart. I can only wish for them that they will always be so close. I want them to be best friends. I have 2 brothers but I do not have the relationship with them that I wish I did. We did not grow up as great friends. We had more of a love/hate relationship, fighting and arguing a lot. Don't get me wrong, my kids argue and fight a lot too. But I can see more than anything, that they have a great love for each other. I don't know what I can do as a mother to keep their relationship strong, but I will do my best. I know that nature will probably determine their destiny as friends, but I can pray that they will always love each other as much as they do now.
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