If you haven't sent your kids to vacation bible school, you should consider it. My kids just love it. I love it. Everyone who is involved loves it. It is a time of bonding, learning, playing, and singing. And boy do they sing. Picture 400 kids, preschoolers to 5th graders, along with about 140 teen/adult volunteers, all in a big room jamming. It gives me goosebumps. The kids just have a blast. They are tired at the end of the week, but they remember it all year. This is my second year working, B's second year, and J's first year.
B had 2 cavities filled yesterday. Bummer.
J had her second gymnastics class last night. Loves it.
Had National Night Out last night in the rain at a neighbors. Wasn't going to go but I changed my mind and glad I went. It was nice to talk to some people I don't talk to enough. Nice to bond with neighbors and watch kids play in the rain, splash in all the puddles, and laugh. It was calming to me, brought me back to when I was a kid and we knew and played with all our neighbors. I want that for my kids. It isn't as easy today with many parents working long hours and many families with weekend cabins that aren't around much.
I start school in 19 days. I can't even believe this. Where has my summer gone. I still have so many things I want to do. I know this is not the case, but I feel like life as I/we know it will never be the same. Of course it will change, but it's not like I'm being locked up for 2 years. I will still have some sort of a life (I hope).
Oh, that reminds me, I ordered my text books from a big online retailed who also has a marketplace where independent sellers can sell their books. Bad idea! Two of the books never showed up. I emailed the sellers multiple times with NO response AT ALL. One seller doesn't even seem to have a valid email. I am so mad. I even had emailed with one of them before I ordered with some questions, and they were happy to reply to me then, but now they won't respond. I think I can get my money back, but that will take me hours on the computer to get the complaint filed and then I still have to find a way to get the books. I did this so I wouldn't have to go to the school bookstore and pay full price. And now I have to do just that because I need them in 19 days. Never again will I do that. I do not recommend it. I am so mad just thinking about it.
I am off to play with B, since J is at a friends house.